From the very start at Eater, we’ve relied on tips from our audience. They’ve written in about new plywood, unpaid bills, rumored partnerships and deals, and noted splits and controversies. But today, we want to go beyond the email tipline to offer Eater followers a way to get in touch with editors and reporters securely and safely.
We have two new options for contacting us that allow for secure transmission of sensitive information, whether to send us documents or to report sexual harassment and assault in the restaurant industry. Know that in cases of sexual harassment and assault, we are committed to make every effort to keep victims safely anonymous throughout our reporting.
How to get in touch with Eater
You can send tips using the app Signal, which encrypts text messages and voice calls. Tip Eater via Signal here: 978-618-4514.
SecureDrop is the most secure way to send documents or messages to Eater. Accessible only through the Tor Browser, our SecureDrop instance can be reached by pasting http://2xat73hlwcpwo2zy.onion into the browser’s address bar. After submitting documents — please tell us what’s in them! — you will be given a password that will allow you to check for responses at the same address.
While not anonymous, the email and onsite tiplines are the easiest ways to reach us. Email national@eater.com to get the general inbox, or a city specific box (la@eater.com, chicago@eater.com for example). Email addresses for specific reporters and editors are linked on our author pages.
We are accustomed to discussing sensitive information and stories over the phone, and are more than willing to do so, so feel free to send an email asking for a phone call.